Thursday, September 9, 2010

mel's summer express. stop #1: elc sb10.

Upon my (first) graduation from TOSU, I was blessed with the opportunity to travel all over the U.S. and Canada as an Educational Leadership Consultant ("ELC") for Kappa Alpha Theta ("Theta").

Huh, what?

You can read the current ELC's blog here if it helps. But, essentially, it was the most difficult and rewarding job I will ever hold. I am certain of it...
  • Because we truly know what it means to be advocates for student leadership, character, responsibility, perseverance, independence, faith, hope, and love.
  • Because it is, was, and always will be the best, most influential, and most rewarding professional experience.
  • And, because we work(ed) harder and care(d) more than 99.9% of anyone in any other job on Earth. Period.
    And that, my dears, is passion.

    It was one of those experiences that truly epitomizes that really cliche quote: "From the outside looking in, you could never understand it. From the inside looking out, you can never explain it." I mean, yes, sappy. But it's true. I could write about that experience forever, but that would defeat the point of this blog... and I could still never do the experience justice.

    What is crucial for you to understand, however, is this:

    I would not be the woman I am today with out my experience as an ELC. I mean that. I am forever indebted to the people and places planted into my life that year. I continue to grow into a better version of myself because of the learning and love they provided back then that will stay with me always.

    You got that? We good? Okay... on with the story.

    The nine of us who traveled as ELCs that year still get together annually for what we call "ELC Spring Break." Sometimes we go places just because, sometimes for weddings, and sometimes even for baby showers. Regardless, we all agreed we'd make the effort to reunite once a year.

    2005-2006 ELCs on SB06 (our first) in Scottsdale, AZ

    ELC SB10 came in the form of Lizzer's wedding to her new hubby Scott... in York, PA. Now, before you go knocking our SB location, please understand that the nine of us are the kind of girls who "bring the party." Doesn't matter where. So, in true ELC form, we had a ball in historic, beautiful, traditional York. (Yes, home of the Peppermint Pattie and just a stone's throw from the largest settlement of Amish in the U.S.)

    My absolutely favorite moment from that weekend is captured here.

    Jenni, Liz, Bricklin, Ashley

    This would be Liz's garden party rehearsal dinner at her parents' home, complete with floral china, luxurious linens, boat shoes, a few southern swoops, wait staff, sun dresses, and homemade gourmet desserts...

    ...This is also when Liz finally had a break in her bride-to-be duties and decided to join "that table", when we realized that Jenni's extra-extroverted tendencies had something to do with the Chardonnay, and when Bricklin decided to play Thrillville's "Some Cut" on her iPhone (it wouldn't be the first time).

    There are a lot of classy, impressive things about Ashley, Bricklin, Emily, Erin, Jackie, Jenni, Lauren, Liz, and the other women over the years who have had the distinct pleasure to serve the Fraternity as ELCs. But what I think makes me most proud of us is that we still know how to walk that perfect line between elegant and effervescent. A lot of women lose that as they get older (if they ever had it to begin with.) Not my ELC girls. I am confident in that.

    The fine nine on SB09 - Surprise baby shower for Lauren in Seattle.

    Bettie certainly does know best. Proud to be a Theta.