Tuesday, December 13, 2011

be still my heart.

I promise, I'm not trying to brag. Though I am proud and extra smiley right now, I do have a really important point to make that requires you to see this:
Taking this class was one of the best choices I have made at Ohio State. Melissa is a wonderful instructor and was so knowledgeable about everything we discussed. She always had extra examples in case we were struggling with grasping concepts or visualizing scenarios. I learned so much about myself and about others that I have interacted with. I feel like I am prepared to deal with any leadership situation I will encounter as well as the diverse personalities of those whom I may encounter. 
I would take anything Melissa taught in a heartbeat.

And there it is. 

Smelly markers. It's a student affairs thing.
I'll admit it, my job can be both professionally and personally draining at times. I've been struggling recently to manage my own life in exchange for churning out great work. It happens, and I'm pushing through knowing that rough patches are inevitable. Right now though, in this moment, as I read through the comments my students in my Intro to Leadership Theory course submitted to the university about my class, I am reminded of how lucky I am to do what I do, and how much energy, inspiration and love surround me each and every day, even amidst the chaos. 

I also know that there is no way I would be successful at this job if I didn't absolutely love it.

If you don't have a job or career that motivates you to be a better person (not a better employee, a better person), you are seriously missing out. I would encourage you to do something about that. You deserve feedback like this, too.